
Charger Zionic SuperShift Colourchange Pearl Basecoat Spray Paint 50ML

Charger Zionic SuperShift Colourchange Pearl Basecoat Spray Paint 50ML  


Painting Procedure 


STEP 1 Primer Surface if using over a Plastic Surface use Plastic Adhesion Promoter First the a suitable primer .

STEP 2 Black Base or other colour choice Black Base Order Code is K73888-50

STEP 3 Charger Zionic SuperShift Colourchange Pearl 2-3 COATS

STEP 4 1K Acrylic Clearcoat or for a stronger Clearcoat use 2K Clearcoat 




For something Different Try our New SUPERSHIFT Colourchange 

For the Colour to come out like below use over this black base ,We suggest to spray this over our K73 Basecoat Black for best results order code for this is K73888-50






After you have clear coated the final clear give it a polish and step back and look at your results .

Our Supershift Colourchange Pearls are truly easy to spray to create your own custom paint job or project, whether it be Car , Boats , Bikes, Motorcycles,Jet Skis , Surfboards, Musical Instruments , let your imagination run wild.

Try our Charger Supershift Colourchange Paint Pearls for a truly expensive looking Custom Paint Job 


Available in Other sizes by special order such as 125ml upto 4 Litre Sizes

CALL US TO DISCUSS These options and pricing